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Best TV News Anchor Gloria Campos, WFAA Channel 8.Best place for foreign and indie films (tie) Inwood Theatre & United Artists Cine.Best Gadfly/Activist Anne Carlson, Dallas County chair, Common Cause Texas.Best radio station Magic 102.1-FM "Jammin' Oldies".Best IMAX theater (tie) Cinemark 17 & The Science Place.Best Band Name (Once You Know What It Means) The Lucky Pierres.Best Production, Best Director Inexpressible Island, Dallas Theatre Center Preston Lane, Director.Best Theater Classes for Kids Richardson Centre Theatre's Family Theatre.Best Political Gaffe City council members wade into deep doo-doo.Best TV Journalist Brett Shipp on WFAA Channel 8.

Best newspaper columnist Timothy O'Leary, The Dallas Morning News.Best place to walk on water Leonhardt Lagoon.Best elementary school Stonewall Jackson Elementary.Best Public Sculpture Pegasus, Farmers Market.Best place to read a newspaper Coffee Haus.Best place to see a living legend Al Dupree at The Balcony Club.Best threat to Sam Paulos' empire (Part II) Last Beat music complex.Best threat to Sam Paulos' empire ACME CD Manufacturing Co.,.Best proof that Texas Monthly might be right.Best Reason for An Appointed Judiciary The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.Best Local TV News Show Weeknight broadcasts on KTVT-TV Channel 11.Best gadfly Web Site Sharon Boyd's "It's a Bad Deal,".Best comeback for a venue Hard Rock Café.Best Radio DJ Barry Switzer, "Football All the Way," Thursday at 6 p.m., KTCK-AM 1310.Best place to find arcane videos Forbidden Books.Best children's art school J's Art Studio.Best African-American art gallery Beaujour Galerie Des Beaux Arts.Best half-assed attempt to support local music D's special local music issue in April.Best evidence that the local music scene is better than Austin's (Despite what Texas Monthly says).Best Road Trip for Bookworms Recycled Books & Records.Best Place to Attend a non-stuffy book-signing Dick's Last Resort.Best Impromptu Performance by an actor Bruce DuBose displays his, um, artistic temperament.Best Place to Introduce Children to Theater Le Theatre de Marionette.Best Campaign Line Councilman James Fantroy.Best Radio talk show Glenn Mitchell, weekdays at noon on KERA-FM 90.1.Best closet-sized art gallery Annex Gallery.Best open-mike poetry Sankofa Arts Cafe.Best Reason Only Johnny Cash Should Be Allowed to Sing Johnny Cash Songs Colin Boyd.Best sign that hell has frozen over The Toadies' second album is finished.Best Intellectual Resource That Needs your support The Dallas Public Library.